
Cory Monteith

Someone told me that the guy off of "Glee" was dead the other night. In that same, tactless tone, actually. I was at a campfire with the rock n' roll type of people, and they all scoffed at the news. 

However, I was shocked. "Which guy?" I asked.

"I don't know," the girl said. "The gay one."

My thoughts immediately went to the character of Kurt, who is very openly gay. But then the girl showed me her phone screen, and a picture of Cory Monteith. My mouth dropped open. Because whether or not you like Glee, the death of a well-known actor still can rattle you. 

Cory's character, Finn Hudson, was the star of Glee. In light of his death...I don't really know how the show can progress without him. 

It's weird when somebody famous dies. When someone close to you passes away, the people that know them are genuinely sad. They send cards to the family. They bring food, because the death of a loved one apparently renders everyone unable to cook or order takeout. They go to the funeral and pay their respects.

But when somebody like Cory Monteith dies? A young, popular, actor that appeals to teenagers?

The world is talking about it.

Hours afterwards, there were news sites that were flooded with traffic-- people always want to read something official, to verify that this is the truth. The day after his death, there were an abundance of social media posts dedicated to him. Facebook pages saying "R.I.P. Cory". Tweets from celebrities, groups, and random people expressing their sorrow and their love. I even saw a young girl I know that I go to school with put up a photo on Pinterest, with the caption underneath "R.I.P. Cory, only the good die young. Puck said it himself."


I wanted to comment beneath it and say "Actually, kiddo, Puck sang that song on Glee once. Billy Joel wrote it. PUCK ISN'T A PERSON-- he is a character. Chill."

This post is coming out in a very insensitive tone... That wasn't the purpose. Grieving or expressing thoughts doesn't bother me. What bothers me is how everyone seems to proclaim "we love you" or "we will miss you" when the only thing they will be missing is his character on a TV show. Is that wrong? Well... maybe not exactly. I enjoyed the character of Finn Hudson, back in the day. He was a good actor, and a good singer. But it seems selfish to say that you're grieving when this young man has family members and friends that will truly be changed forever from this. 

Basically, what I mean to say is, if you're a regular civilian like myself, don't express the depth of your pain from the loss of an actor like he was your close intimate friend. Mostly, don't express it on something like Facebook. Social media grief seems so much lesser than the real thing, to me. 

I know I acknowledged the fact, though. Because even though I'm not a huge fan of Glee, it is sad to hear that he died. I liked Cory Monteith-- he was Canadian, like me. I liked him because he was not your typical male actor, he had a unique look and a unique voice. 

I did read a news article about his death. He died alone, in a hotel in Vancouver. He was 31. 

(At least he skipped the 27 Club...)

I also feel sorry for his girlfriend, Lea Michele. It's hard enough to grieve over your boyfriend-- it would be even harder to do so with the entire world watching you.

I was sorry to hear about his death. I hope that if they continue with the Glee show, they find a way to pay tribute to him somehow. He was a big part of what made Glee popular, so I hope they don't just write him off in a dumb way. I think that if someone put so much heart into a TV show as he did, he deserves a fair acknowledgement. 

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