That's kind of what New Years is about, isn't it? A fresh start. A new book. A blank page.
I just read on Steph's blog how she loves blank calendars, and I must say I agree. I don't know how many people actually bother to write in notebooks anymore, but for those of you who understand, is it not a thrill to crack the spine of a brand-new book? When the creamy pages are fresh and beautiful and there is no limit to your creativity. I keep personal journals, and every time I start a new one it feels like such a big deal. I practically plot out my first entry before carefully handwriting it. Of course, once you get farther in your handwriting grows sloppier, until your notebook is like an old friend. However, it's the kind of friend you feel comfortable getting angry at. This is when you scribble and scratch things out and long for a new book. :-)
I love fresh starts, but I must say, it never feels like January is much of a fresh start. For me, it's September. New school year, new supplies, new clothes, etc. January is just kind of blah. But I never fail to write New Years resolutions. I am ashamed to say that I'm pretty sure I've never thought of a truly unique one, they're pretty much the same as any other person on this earth. Here are some of the favorites...
"I resolve to quit eating junk food and be a healthier person." That one lasts usually a week before the first slipup, maybe a month or two before it's completely forgotten.
"I resolve to work out and hit the gym." Either you don't have 'time' to get there, or you get to the gym, run for twenty minutes, and collapse and can't go on.
"I resolve to get better marks in school." Applying only to students. Luckily, January is the month we write our final exams. Those will likely drag DOWN my mark.
Anyways, those go on and on. It's embarrassing, how little people change. It's not like I'm guilt-free, either. I've had those goals, or very similar ones, pretty much every year since I grew up and my grade one teacher didn't make us draw pictures of our resolutions. Which, at six, were generally resolutions like making your bed every morning or keeping your room clean.
I didn't bother resolving to write on my blog more often. It's here when I need it. Although I did have the idea to put more photos on here, which is something I've been doing way more often than writing these days.
Anyways, don't be ashamed of your cliche resolutions. It's all in good taste.
Happy New Years!